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Do drilled/grooved discs warp less?


I was just wandering if drilled or grooved brake discs warp less
than flat surface ones. I know they give better braking, but the
pads don't last as long as flats. I'm asking as I am going to be
fitting new discs all round (I need to do so and I won't be fitting
Audi equipment, but an aftermarket standard kind of thing) and
would like to take the to the local engineering joint and have them
drill them for better performance and safety.

"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
1990 Turbo (200T)
name   : gerard van vught
tel    : +27-57-912 2658 (w) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url    : http://www.acenet.co.za/homepages/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
         gerard@acenet.co.za / van_vught@frg.issi.co.za