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Re: Final word on the bomb

At 04:20 AM 12/8/97 -0600, Eric Maxon wrote:
>John Graham wrote:
>>  Just a note. Has the NSA or FBI kicked in any ones door yet.
>> I mean this this thread has got to turn on a red light. ;-)
>> John
>> 1990 CQ
>Well no, but in keeping with my silly post to the RE: Bomb gas pressures
>thread, I do think a dead bomb would make quite an interesting looking
>oil lamp.  I wonder if CHF 7.1 burns well... hmmmm.

How about an Audi Boutique were you can buy clever art
objects made of discarded Audi parts. I've seen plenty of
junk yard sculpture in the galleries. Let's all clean out our
garages and send the stuff to Graydon to weld up. Igor
could do the marketing, Phil could write the press
releases and the profits could go toward maintaining
the list server. What can you make from used timing
belts, radiators, blower motors, melted wiring harnesses,
frozen rear calipers, clutch master cylinders and
window regulators?
