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Re: A public thanks to Mr. Goggin

> I got home yesterday after a dog of a day at work to find a rather large
> box sitting on the counter.  Opened it up, inside was the service manual
> for the Ur-Q from '80 thru '90.  Complete with electrical diagrams.  And
> beautifully recreated from microfiche.  There was a TON of paper in
> here, the box must have weighed 2 pounds.  Top quality reproduction too,
> very Bentley-esque.  This could not have been a fun task...  Jeff,
> excellent job, and thank you so much for doing this for us!!

  We have spoken since I recived mine, but here's my public thanks as well!
Truely apprecited and I have made copied from Fiches before, so I
understand what went into this project. Thanks Jeff! 

 On anothert note, so far about 98% of the Sport Quattro numbers that I
have checked on are not good USA numbers. A vast majority of them being
"859" numbers. Because that prefix is assoc. to SO many Sport Q parts, I
have to assume that it is reserved for the Sport Q and anything with those
begining numbers should be consider UNavailable to us here in the states.
Heck, even the little "Sport" sticker that goes above "quatto" on the trunk
lid is not a good USA number! Also found it interesting that the Sport Q
comes with a torque wrench and that the Sport Q uses a different jack than
a normal quattro. 

 Another notable: the front engine "cover plate" (a.k.a skid plate) is in
fact available (part # 811 018 911 E) at the low low price of $161.75, but
the center and the rear are not available. Go figure.

Laters, Ben
Thornton, CO
83' UrQ #346 PT2B
87' 4KCSQ
89' 200Q

> -August