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Radio enlightenment(was Re: installing CD changer, wiring paths)

Ah!  Wow!  Installed the CD changer(finally.)
Yikes. That's pretty high up on my list of
things-Brett-really-doesn't-want-to-do-again.  Taking the floor trim off,
ugh!  Found out the best way is to get two humungo screwdrivers and put
each on one side(or either side) of those infernal clips, and lift the
suckers out.

CD changer ended up getting mounted to a piece of plywood, the plywood
mounted to the trunk lid via 4 sheet metal screws.

Found a nice coolant leak while placing the control unit; screw attaching
the unit to anything; it fit quite nicely in a space between the bi-level
duct and god-knows-what down there.  Nice and easy to disconnect remote,

I'll say this though; it's like a new radio.  Cleaned the speaker contacts
on the radio and all the antenna parts with contact cleaner, etc.  The CD
player produces sound _far_ better than a casette deck adapter and WAY
beyond radio quality.
I've always been slightly dissapointed in the quality of sound from what
seemed like such a complex system(10 speakers, even today, is a semi-big
deal.)  Now, it's fantastic.

Did I mention that bass distortion is much less than with the cassette adapter?

Oops; don't want to forget to thank the advice givers; Brian Armstead, Rob
Winchell and especially Scott Bristol.  Many thanks for providing a guiding
light(the lows were a little dim; pardon the sucky headlight reference.)

Now for the messy part:  cleaning up.


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.