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Re: Ned's Threads

Paul Timmerman said:
>I had a nice discussion with Ned in WA at IA the other evening.
>In conversation, Ned mentioned that he found the flame wars on the 
>list somewhat disagreeable, and might not be posting much in the near 
>future. I for one APPRECIATE posts with a high signal to noise ratio.
>If YOU liked Ned's posts, please say so, cause I think Ned's still
>reading, and a little encouragement could go a long way.  We don't
>need to be chasing off our greatest assets the way we did Peter
>Wales of superchips.  Enough said already.

I do not recall any of Ned's posts generating or being involved in any
flame wars.  I thought they were all quite helpful or informative (like
the N/A cam thread!), and I would certainly like to see Ned stay on.

Yes, sometimes the list can be a bear to read, when people start jumping
on other's backs for little or no reason.  Even with a sigficant reason,
there is no need to abuse someone openly.  Either post a polite message
to the list, or take it private.  Many listers understand and follow
this "rule", some don't, and other are new and don't yet know list etiquette.
[Un]fortunately, the list is like life, and there will always be people
that don't know, refuse to learn, or refuse to go along with what is
generally considered "good" behavior.  That is when the rest of us need
to take a deep breath, give the person a little slack, and go on.  If
you HAVE TO say something, then keep it polite or take it private.

Sorry for the soapbox lecture.  I wish you all a happy and safe holiday
season.  Let's not see any listers get hurt or any more Audis get wrecked
this year, if possible. 

See you next year,
'85 Coupe GT
Eric J. Fluhr                                Email:  ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com
630FP Logic/Circuit Design                   Phone:  (512) 838-7589
IBM Microelectronics Div.                    Austin, TX