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Re: Torsen bind-up?

Josh Pinkert wrote:
> At 02:16 PM 1/13/98 -0500, Sean & Tammy Ford wrote:
> >Kershner,
> >   I did have this problem with my '92 100CS. I noticed it as I backed out
> of my
> >driveway, through the sand that accumulates at the bottom during the winter
> >months, at full lock, the front end seemed to "hop" a bit. I also thought I
> >could see a bit of "toe out" at the front wheels. One front alignment
> later...
> >no hop and the front wheels now look to be lined up with the rears. Go
> have the
> >front alignment checked.

The only reason I would possibly debate this one is - my tires have worn
more evenly on this car than any car I have ever had, which would lead
me to believe that alignment is decent.  Wouldn't bet the farm on it
> >
> Hmm.  I can't say for sure what Kershner is experiencing but it sounds very
> similar to what I've seen with two torsen equipped quattros ('88 90q & '98
> A4q).  AFAIK, it is normal behavior.  Maybe my description could help...
> It's more of a noise than anything else.  The shudder is kind of like the
> resonating wind shudder than one might experience at certain speeds with
> the sunroof open.  It's a deep shuddering noise and it occurs only when
> accelerating forward with the steering close to locked.

That's the noise, feeling, etc...
Kinda makes your skin crawl a little bit.
> Like I said, I've always dismissed this as normal...just the torsen diff
> having to compensate for the difference in the paths of the front and rear
> wheels.  Can anyone confirm this??
