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Re: foggy windows
Fellow Audi Fanatic,
I had the same problem last winter. The recirculation flap mount for
the vacuum diaphragm had broken loose and the flap wasn't allowing any fresh
air into the car. You might want to try wedging something in there just to
keep it open as a temporary fix. I used plastic ties and made a makeshift
mount for the diaphragm. I went to the local dealer to ask about a kit to
fix this problem and he never heard of such kits. An easy way to check if
the flap is the problem is to start the engine, press the econ button, set
temp to LO, open the hood and check if the flap is open, if the flap is open
then the mount is OK, if not then do one of the above fixes.
Stefan Bendevis, Audiman1@msn.com
1987 5000 CD Quattro (1.8 bar QLCC, 3" exhaust)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jesster436 <Jesster436@aol.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: January 19, 1998 3:41 AM
Subject: foggy windows
>Am I just totally stupid (don't answer that!) or does anyone else have
>problems defrosting windows with the automatic climate controls (90q20v)?
>Last week I was driving in the rain and the windows started to fog up so I
>the windsheild defroster button and that caused all the windows to fog up.
>had to just stop in the middle of the road. A few days later I hit the
>button (set to 72 degrees) and same thing happened. Then today while I was
>filling up at the gas station, a small patch of fog formed just above the
>vents on the center top of the dash. When I got in the car I hit the
>and all the windows fogged up. I thought the defroster was supposed to
>DEfrost. Is there a problem here?
>Jess C. Almero, Jr
>South Pasadena, CA
>'90 90q20v
>'86 Coupe GT