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Tangling With Z28s

Randy, who did some fine high speed driving in his '87 5KCSTQ, said:

> . . .Word of caution...don't tangle with new Z28's unless you like      
> reading bumper stickers!

After which Wolff asked:

> Those Z28 things can't do 150mph can they?

To which I say, Randy's probably right in dry weather with stock
US-spec Audis on reasonably well-paved roads.  The rules change if 
roads or weather turn bad or there are engine mods.  To my way of
thinking, they were never intended to be comparable driving

Whether Z28s can do 150+ mph depends on the tires.  Those not
factory-equipped with high speed-rated tires are electronically limited to
circa 112.  Mine has the high speed tires, but since I have neither the
opportunity nor skill to handle such speeds, it's academic (though
psychologically satisfying).

Stone Mountain, GA
'85 4KSQ
'89 F250 4x4 diesel
'95 Z28