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Audi 4k transmision troubles
I have an 1985 Audi 4000S with a bad transmission, I think, the mechanic who
has had my car since Thankgiving, 1996- keeps telling me that he has some
parts from an Audi 5000 that will get me on the road. My car when I last drove
it just fell into nuetral while going around a corner, I had just pulled down
into second gear (auto Trans) after this the car would only drive in reverse-
if anyone has any guidence for me I would appreciate it. The car has a freshly
rebuilt motor and I can't justify scraping it. I would be interested in buying
a used tranny or... an 88-89 Audi 80/90 front wheel drive 4 cyc car with a
blown motor--so as not to waste a really nice motor. if any one has any advice
or knowledge of the requested parts please email back at bsegers@aol.com
the body and interior of my car is in excellent shape-would entertain