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Re: AudiFest 98
Brett Dikeman wrote:
> OK, looks like I'm going,
Great!! You'll have a great time... we did last year!!
> and it looks like I volunteered myself to head up the NE region.
Fantastic!! That is greatly appreciated.
> In the interests of it not being a mess, would interested individuals
> contact me via email so I can get an idea of the # and locations of people?
Bravo!! Atta' boy... go for it!! :-)
> Also, who's in charge of the whole shameel, or is it just a
> each-region-is-on-its-own freeforall?
Well, last year Ben Howell and I were the main contact points for the event,
with other regional contacts listed on a web page that I put up (BTW, thanks
again to all that helped make last year a success!!). So far, I guess, by
default, Ben and I have assumed the roles again... :-)
Ben and the CO folks were instrumental in getting us set up at the mountain. In
the e-mails that he and I have exchanged so far, it looks like it will be a
"go" again for us this year.
Apologies to all since we really didn't take a "vote" this year. However, if in
response to this post, I receive a lot of feedback that we should have, we can
look at taking a vote, and possibly changing the location. IMHO, I think for
this year, we should do it again at the Peak.
> Secondly, I'm going to be in need of a navigator for the trip.
I might just take you up on that. This year, I don't have enough vacation time
(boy, I REALLY need to work on becoming independently weathy!!) to take two
weeks off, so I might just have to co-pilot with someone, and fly back. Let's
talk about it "off-list".
> I assume anyone diehard enough to go will want to take their own baby :)
See above. I'd love to take 17 days off to do it again, but work is getting in
the way!! :-)
In fact, I might even have to go to the extreme...i.e. fly out and fly back!! A
bummer, yes... since last year, the "caravan" was a lot of fun... but
nonetheless, being out in CO, at the Peak, meeting all the wonderful
listmembers, was something not to miss. I encourage this option for those that
may be in a similar situation... if you can't take the time off... or if the
S.O. won't let you "fly the coop" for two weeks. No matter how you get there,
it will be a great weekend, that's for sure!! (BTW, it is July 4th weekend.)
Hmm... I wonder if I can get Avis to rent me an A8!! :-)
> You also get a semi-free ride, though it would be nice to split gas costs
> with someone!
I'd certainly split gas, and hotel rooms. Fair is fair...
So, it would be great if I can start to pull together the number of folks who
are interested in attending this year, and where you are from. I'd also like to
get some volunteers as regional contacts to help organize "local" gatherings as
well as help "blend" the event together. For those unfamiliar with the event,
link over to my main web-page (in my sig below), and link to the AudiFest
sites. The first one is for pix of last year, and then there is a link to last
year's info regarding maps, etc. If there are any questions, please feel free
to get in touch with Ben or I.
As you've probably seen via other posts, we would like to block out hotel rooms
ahead of time. We would most likely get discount pricing, and we'd all be
staying in the same place(s). So, please think about committing to this event
early, so that we can enjoy even more success this year!!
P.S. Please make sure that the subject line contains the word "AudiFest" so
that my e-mail software will filter it correctly (which will make organizing
this event MUCH easier for me... and anyone else with mail filters...
P.P.S. Also, if you are volunteering to help, let me know which territory you
can "cover" i.e. Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, or even by particular state(s).
Jim Griffin
Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
'92 Audi 100S
'87 VW Quantum Syncro