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Re: Brake Bomb question

> I have a friend with a 88 5000s Avant.  He filled his Pentosin
> reservoir and noticed fluid foaming out the cap.  He put a new
> rubber seal on the cap and his steering and braking became
> easier.

It usually isn't sealed.  The float has a pin which comes thru
a hole in the cap, this is where the foam usually comes out.

> After 2 days, the Power Steering pump sprouted a big leak...

Foaming can mean a couple of things:

1. The pump is sucking air in somewhere.

2. The pump is dying.

It is no surprise that the pump starts leaking after foaming at
the resevoir - either it was dying to start with or (less likely)
the lack of lubrication caused by sucking air has killed it.

> Is there something else here that could be causing increased 
> pressure beyond the normal pressure ?

I doubt that pressure was increased...
