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Re: RS2 Intercooler Size

the rs2 i/c is large single pass unit.  it is mounted below the front bumper
and occupies the whole width of the front of the car except for about 10cms
either end which is used for the oil cooler (lhs, facing the car) and the water
radiator (rhs).

lhs is inlet to engine (ie. closest to the inlet manifold).  this is
perpendicular to the i/c, facing rearwards, it goes into a 90 degree i/c hose
for about 150cms until the steel inlet pipe. rhs is inlet from turbo, and the
pipe from the turbo crosses the front behind the front cross member to get to
the i/c.  the end-cap faces up (vertical) and to accomodate this.

the actual dimensions are (approx i'm afraid cause, short of dismantling the
sucker i can't get more accurate numbers):-

total width is 600mm, with 500mm exclusive of end-caps.
height is 180-190mm, and depth is 50mm.

the i/c is set into an rs2 bumper (yeah right) which has a large front scoop
centrally for the i/c.  there is a large exit scoop behind the front cross
member and below the sump.  apart from this aperture, the whole of the bottom
of the rs2 is enclosed in a shroud until behind the front axle line.

'95 rs2 
'90 ur-q

>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 06:27:05 -0500
>From: "Mike Hopton" <mike@genesis-microchip.on.ca> 

>     Talking of Intercoolers does anyone know the dimensions of the RS2  
>     intercooler and location/direction of the end caps? Dave E/L? 
>     Thanks and regards, Mike 