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RE: Milky substance in oil...

> Marc_Nguyen@mail.amsinc.com on Wednesday, April 01, 1998 9:52 AM
> wrote;
	>> nothing to worry about.....unless you find it on yourdip
stick, which you
	>>did not.

	>Why is it bad if you find it on the dipstick vs elsewhere?

	>- Marc N

If there is water in your engine crankcase (noticed from dipstick), it
could mean cracked head, cracked block, bad head gasket, etc.  In the
Sarges' case, it may not be a problem (QSHIPQ's comment awaiting
verification) if the water is from a source other than the engine
coolant.  When coolant is in 'yer motor oil,
the path that lead it there could be a VERY expensive fix.  


Gary M. Lewis
1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   193,000 miles (and counting...)