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UrQ?  How come no newer Audis on the list ?

FAQs can be found at web sites, including http://www.a4.org and

As for old vs. new, ...

I have a '97 A4Q 2.8L.  I don't post to the group much.  The car works, and
if anything breaks, it's repaired by Audi.  Because it's new and under
warranty, I'm also not going to be modifying it much.

Most of the conversation here is on one of several topics:
 1 - help, my car is broken
 2 - I want to modify my car (speed it up, typically).  How?
 3 - Why Audi is better than <insert name of any car maker that easily
outsells Audi here>
 4 - When is the S4/S6 going to come out?  (Typically written/debated by
people who haven't bought a new car in 20 years)
 5 - Performance/cornering, which system is best
 6 - Performance/cornering, how to do it best in a given system
 7 - I'm going to buy a new car; what should I get?

Most of these issues don't relate to the new Audis really.  And when they
do, the folk who have older Audis often know the issues every bit as well.
(Some of our listers drive older Audis because they've modified them into
the perfect cars for them.  And if I had a high-power good-condition UrQ, I
too would be following new Audi cars closely but not buying a new one.)

Also, the priorities of us new-car buyers are different from most.  I want
a warranty, good service, and to NOT have to work on my car.  Audis,
especially from the '80s, require lots of little work, but are some of the
neatest cars around.  If I were living in a drier climate (I used to live
in L.A. - that would work), I'd be in a BMW M3 probably.  But many of the
listers would drive old Audi Quattros no matter where they were; it's the
engineering and design they love, for which they'll tolerate foibles.

Hope I haven't bored you. <g>

Paul Wilson wrote:
>Forgive me for being a newbie, but what's a UrQ?  Is this the original
>Quattro turbo coupe?  If so, what the 'U' and 'r' stand for?
>Is there an FAQ somewhere?
>Also, there seems to be very few newer Audis on this list.  How come?