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Rough Start & Idle

Greetings all,

After almost 4 years of relatively trouble free driving, the Audi Gods have
finally caught up with my '85 urq.  A few weeks ago, I started having a hot
start problem.  The car starts fine when it is cold (i.e., it has been
sitting overnight or for a few days), On warm/hot starts (i.e., restarted
within a few hours), though, it cranks strong but doesn't catch.  After a
couple/three cranks it usually starts, but idles incredibly rough.  Bad
enough for the whole car to shudder.  Usually, if I blip the engine to over
3000 rpm a couple of times, the idle smooths out and everything is fine.
Can this be the ISV?  I had hot start problems twice before  and I solved
those by switching plugs and replacing the injector seals.  TIA!

- Marc N