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Audi 90 What year?
I am new to this Audi list-serve and have a question for some of you who are
up on your Audi codes. I have just recently purchased a used Audi 90 which
was imported to Saipan (1500 miles south of Japan) from Japan.
Is this a European spec. car ? Is it a 1987 or 1988 model? What is the
North American spec equivalent? It looks like a 1987 Audi 4000S or CS. I
would appreciate any information you can provide. I am also looking for a
service manual, owner's manual, and maintenace manual to this car.
Here are the codes from the inside of the trunk lid: (boot)
Vehicle Ident. No.: WAUZZZ81ZHA017416
Type: 813 7H3
Engine code/Trans code: JL RBH
Paint #/Interior: LY5V/LY5V JJ
Options: 227 408 526 528 697
Thank you for your help.
Rod Johnson
1987-88 Audi 90 (European Spec?)
Rod & Beth Johnson Phone: 1-670-322-5939
Box 209 Fax: 1-670-322-3060
Saipan, MP 96950 E-mail: rod.johnson@saipan.com