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Trans failure verdict
The verdict is in on my slushbox failure. The reason why drive isn't
disengaging is because a set of the forward clutches has welded themselves
together. At least, I have forward, so I can get to school and back for
the next couple of weeks until it's over. The Militec and the Mobil 1
didn't help me all too much. I wanted to know if anyone has a Turbo
slushbox (only) for sale.
BTW: how much would a 5 spd conversion run and what would I need?
*Steve Sachelle Babbar
*'84 5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."