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87 5KQ... Blew top Rad. Hose...Parts??

Had an interesting experience today on I-10 going to Mobile.
My Triangle for water temp. came on, I looked at Temp guage & it was normal.
I thought, OK the Audi Gods are teasing me.
But my faithful Temp guage started going up past the normal mid-way point &
went to 3/4ths before I pulled into a rest stop.  The top Rad. hose blew at
the engine, was able to cut bad part off & fix (Navy Style).

QUESTIONS.... Where is a good source for such parts... called local Auto
Zone, DAPS, Napa, etc & they didn't have it in their books.  Is a 87
5KQ(non-turbo) have a 2.1 or a 2.3 & what is the difference?
What is the best way to flush the cooling system & should I use Prestone
flush.  Should I take the Raditor out, hold upside down & reverse flush?  (I
will put in distilled water back in)  
What kind of antifreeze should I use?
Anyway I need a source for raditor hoses besides the Audi dealer in Mobile.