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Subject: '88 5kCSQW Update / Request

<<I'm looking for suggestions as to what I should clean up and how.  I
notice that there is some black crud cooked on the top of the cylinder
bore above the point where the top rings go, should I attempt to break
this stuff off?  I suppose the other issue is if I should clean off the
piston crowns ... if so, what should I use?  Finally, I'll be cleaning
up the deck of the block, putting rags in the cylinders while I do this.
In the past I simply scraped off the old stuff and then gave it a light
sanding ... are there any beter techniques?>>

I was serious in my recommendation for use of the ProGard with Techron for
cleaning stuff like this.  If you can find it, I guarantee it will pull the
crud off the aluminum parts almost instantly.  Takes a bit longer to pull crud
off cast iron and steel, but it works.

     Marty Liggins
     Imperial Potentate, Bucksnort Quattro Club (Un-Inc.)