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Torsen Bites Car; Man(Gary) Bites Foot

In message <61979DA1E723D1118C9D00805F156E93930BD0@xch-cpc-01> "Lewis, Gary M" writes:

> A little cramped!?  Wow, in my teens, at one point I had a 63 UrBug,
> speaking of cramped. But what I found through experimentation is if
> you...  oooppps.  Sorry.  Uh, where was I?

The UK benchmark is an MGB.  If you have problems, you're getting old.

It might be an urban myth - so many of these are, but there's a story
of a couple getting trapped when the man "slipped a disc" in his back.

She could reach the horn, and brought help.  Eventually, the fire
brigade cut the roof off the car and carted him off to hospital.

A policeman sympathised with her, and said he hoped the man would soon
be OK.  She is reputed to have replied: "Sod him.  How do I explain
this to my husband?"

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)