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Re: driving light mounting on 5KTQ?
Dave Puterbaugh wrote:
> I just put Hella XL's on my 1991 200. They work great, but look ugly. The
> Hella toggle bolts are crap!. I finnally replaced them with a nut from below
> the bumper. You can get to them from underneath the car without much problem.
> Dave Puterbaugh
> 1991 200q
Just for clarification for everyone, Hella includes a *molly* mounting system
with their kit, with *molly* bolts. I too found that they don't work well (see
my original response below), hence the reason for my using *toggle* bolts. The
*toggle* bolts work very well, the *molly* bolts don't.
FWIW, on the '92+ models, it appears that you can't get at the area underneath
the bumper to put a nut on (I tried... no way..), unless maybe taking the whole
bumper off (I didn't try that). Toggle bolts are designed for this type of
situation i.e. restricted access. I recommend them in this application.
(I won't get into trying to describe the difference between the two... it would
be better to just go to Home Depot and look for yourself).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Griffin <JGriff@pobox.com>
> To: prl@ptc.com <prl@ptc.com>; quattro <quattro@acacianet.com>
> Cc: Quattro List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> Date: Monday, April 20, 1998 3:37 PM
> Subject: RE: driving light mounting on 5KTQ?
> >At 04:10 PM 4/20/98 -0400, Paul Luevano wrote:
> >>Glen-
> >>
> >> I'm running the Hella XL's on top of the bumper (same case as the Hella
> >>550's, I believe).
> >
> >Ditto. I too have the Hella XL's on the top of the bumper (see pix of my
> >car via my sig below). I recommend NOT using their molly-mounting system.
> >They did not hold tight enough.... and... well, let me just say "it didn't
> >work". I ended up using toggle bolts (available at Home Depot). They worked
> >perfectly.
> >
> >With the XL's (and most aftermarket lights I assume), I had to drill some
> >large holes through the bumper/bumper cover though. But it was that... or
> >keep driving blindly down the road with the OEM lights (if you can call
> >them that!!).
> >
> >Good luck.
> >
> >
> >
> >--------------------------
> > Jim Griffin
> >JGriff@pobox.com
> >--------------------------
> >
Jim Griffin
ICQ # 1315286
'92 Audi 100S - '87 VW Quantum Syncro
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"