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Re: Hella XL lights.. where to buy & how much?

At 06:50 AM 4/24/98 -0500, Bob Mansker wrote:

>Where can you buy the Hella XL's? & how much $_______?

I bought mine at a Pep Boys for $99.00 U.S.

>Can they be mounted on the bottom side of the bummper instead of the top?

Sure they can be... but it is not recommended. The instructions state, if I
recall correctly, that they should be mounted at least 24" from the ground,
since they are designed as auxiliary driving lights, not fog lights. I
mounted mine on the top of the bumper. Pictures can be seen on my site
(sorry, URL not in my sig right now... this is being sent via "work"
laptop) at:


Link over to the page with pix of my car.

I recommend them... and recommend following the instructions included with
the kit (with the exception of using toggle bolts instead of their molly

      Jim Griffin