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Re: Follow-Up on Mobil 1 Oil Filters

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> There's a new kind of oil filtering device...it's a big can, maybe 3x longer
> than a normal oil filter, and it has a small pump...it hooks into an oil line,
> and draws a small amount off and does a really good job of filtering it.  I
> guess the idea is that the main filter will take care of big stuff, but the
> larger filter will remove carbon etc. slowly(ie, how it makes its way into the
> oil in the first place.)
> Mostly designed for trucks, but I've seen it(I think) in various race cars.
> Oil looks perfect even after months of usage in a big rig.

This technology actually isn't really new... Amsoil has had a setup like this
for a while. They call it a bypass filter, and it is installed as a secondary
filter to the main filter. It will completely filter a six-quart system in about
five minutes at an average speed of 45 mph. It filters the oil down to a very
low micron level, and it also removes water and other contaminants.

I've yet to put one on any of my cars, but am still thinking of it. It appears
to be the *ultimate* in filtering technology.

BTW, there is a link to Amsoil products off my page (in my sig below), or it can
be found at:


Usual disclaimers, yada, yada, yada... I have nothing to gain. I'm just a VERY
satisfied user of Amsoil products. For the record, you won't get me to use Mobil
1 (BTDT... "hated it")... whether it be their oils... or these new filters they
are talking about. Amsoil is the way...

Oh, also, the Amsoil filters are very high quality filters (better than OEM),
and only cost about $8.00. Quite the bargain...

                     Jim Griffin
                 ICQ # 1315286
'92 Audi 100S - '87 VW Quantum Syncro
 "Perception is often stronger than reality!"