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'85 British ur-q dash control module

I had posted something about this before, I thought, but server problems
seem to be causing me outgoing and incoming email problems
intermittently.  I had contacted some persons directly, but I don't know
if they ever got the messages.

Can someone give me some help finding the part number and a source for
the control module for a talking British dash-ed (although LHD) '85
Ur-q?  It was apparently the last '85 built, delivery in London,

Thanks very much for your help.  I've got a friend in Aberdeen who can
carry it over for me if I can get it to him in the next few days.

Dr. Steve Marinello
Corporate Engineer
Newpark Resources, Inc.
3850 N. Causeway Blvd., Ste. 1770
Metairie, LA 70002