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What do these compression #s mean?

Addressed to: Nathan Belo <belo@eskimo.com>
              Quattro List <QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net>

** Reply to note from Nathan Belo <belo@eskimo.com> Mon, 27 Apr 1998 22:37:25 -0700 (PDT)
> What the !@#$% is going on with cylinder 5?  Do I need a top and bottom
> rebuild?  Or do I have a bad valve at 5?  Ring job?  Is it better to just
> buy an engine from a junk yard and drop it in or rebuild?  Say it's just a
> bad valve!!

According to _Cheap Wheels_ by Leslie R. Sachs and James S. Bennett (a book
I think is pretty sensible overall), installing a junk yard engine or doing
your own overhaul is cost-effective; hiring out an overhaul usually isn't.