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Subject: problem with S2 92
You wrote:
i've got a little pb with my car, when it's at 90 c (oil) if i push
the accelerator hardly, at 4000 rpm, the engine shutdown suddenly, if i
release the accelerator the engine start again. If i push the
accelerator slowly, i can go to 6500 rpm and more than 250 KM/H. my audi
dealer said injection and turbo were dirty and cleaned it up, it works
fine for 3 weeks and started again, they cleaned again, said this time
they cleaned the gas filter, works fine for 3-4 weeks and start again :(
it appear to me that there has too much compression with the turbo and
the chip say to the engine to stop... did you hear about that before ?
I believe you're car uses the 3B engine or a derivative; it is controlled by a
Bosch Motronic computer that includes a pretty comprehensive diagnostic
feature. It would be wise to look for stored error codes before just
replacing parts.
Pull the stored trouble codes as follows:
1) Jumper the brown and black connectors located just to the left of the
clutch pedal together. Connect only the poles closest to the firewall.
(see ascii art that follows)
2) Turn on the ignition switch and wait for 30 seconds.
3) Pull the jumper wire.
4) The "check engine light" will now flash the fault codes, one after
the other. The process will cycle through and then repeat itself until
the ignition switch is turned off.
5) To erase the fault codes, wait until all fault codes have been
displayed and reconnect the jumper as in 1) above. Do this before the
sequence begins another cycle.
If you don't have a check engine light; try the following:
(ascii art of diagnostic connector in footwell; driver's side in USA)
1 2 3
/---\ +---\ +---\
| O | | O | | O | 2
+---+ +---+ +---+
| O | | O | | O | 1
+---+ +---/ +---/
1 is black, 2 is brown and 3 is blue.This connector is (in a German car) in
the driver's footwell. The pin assignments are:
1.2 Positive
1.1 Chassis
2.2 J220 or VAG 1598 pin 13
2.1 J220 or VAG 1598 pin 55
Connect a diode test lamp between 1.2 and 3.2.
Attach leads or a push-button between 1.1 (A) and 2.1 (B).
Connect A and B for four seconds. The diode should light up.
Break A and B. A code will be blinked out. To get the next code, touch A and
B together for four seconds again. The end is signalled by 0000 - pulses 2.5
seconds apart.
Code 2111 should be ignored if the ignition is on and the engine is not
unless an unsuccessful attempt has been made to start it.
Let us know what the codes are - the table is too long to type.
Good luck; us USA quattro lister members envy you your car...
Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q with 3B engine