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BankBoston does a doozy

Well, seems my good friend the Mega-Corp. BankBoston lost my loan
application.  Joy.  I personally delivered the loan application at 1pm into
the hands of one of their employees who assured me it would be entered
ASAP.  Then, at 4:00, I call to find out if anything happened, only to
discover that the "consumer credit" division never saw anything.  Hmm.
Call the branch...

"We don't enter applications into the computer when there are customers
around; we need to help the customers."

"Umm...I'm a customer...have been for a while..."
"Is it being entered now?  Being closed for an hour you don't have any
customers around..."
"Yes, Sir, it's being entered right now."

Hmm.  6:00, get home on the train, call up CCD.  "There's nothing here"

"Well...why not?  I was assured by the branch's assistant manager that it

Mandatory Audi content: this loan is for a 200q :)
Hope is to get the loan processed and have check in hand in time to go up
and get the car Saturday.

<grrr>...Sorry for the slightly-off topic message.  Had to vent some
frustration of being treated like a nobody(I had to, from memory, recall
the last deposit made to my checking account for "verification purposes"
before they could talk to me about my account.  Oh, and then they asked for
my mother's maiden name, and THEN for my date of birth, before they were
finally satisfied that I was in fact Brett Dikeman...)


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.