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No title QC

What the gent describes relative to the Audi QC is the normal manner 
in which manufacturers deal with cars which are pro-production models 
brought into the USA for testing or demonstrations.

It was my understanding the could only be driven on manufacturer 
plates -  I suspect this car is not being driven in compliance with 
the law under dealer plates.  However, in the end, the car must 
indeed be destroyed and certification of that destruction must be 
returned to the manufacturer.  This is a US law.

When I attended the Bondurant driving school in the mid-80's, they 
used the Datsun Z-car as their school car.  Why?  Because they had a 
deal with Nissan.  When Nissan finished their demo use of new Z-cars, 
they turned them over to the Bondurant school for TRACK ONLY use.  
This was a win-win deal, because Nissan got more enthusiastic 
drivers trained in Z-cars, and Bondurant got cheap cars.  But when 
the school was done with them, they were destroyed (crushed, I 
believe) and certification of that fact was returned to Nissan.

So - if you have the $$ to use this car for track use, I would 
recommend checking the laws relative to importing the cars.  I DO NOT 
KNOW if there is a time limit on how long the vehicle can be used 
before being destroyed -  I don't think there is one.  However, if 
the car is NOT used on the street, it should work out OK (based on my 
minimal understanding - note caveat...) as long as there's no time 
limit.  I suspect approval from Audi might also come in handy if the 
current "owner" is getting notices about it.

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      