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Re: preventing Lime Rock-like Incidents

>From where I'm sitting, there's lots of opportunity for conjecture on what
      exactly happened inside that particular car.  I've been wondering if
      the seat mounts, or seat back on my own car are worthy of the
      stresses they could encounter in the event of an accident.  One of
      the things the SCHROTH harnesses tests in order to get their DOT
      certification is the strength of the seatback since so much force
      could be placed on the seatback in the event of an accident.   My
      seats have had a 150-180lb. person sitting on them for 185,000+ miles
      as well.

      Granted, it would be wise for me to install a bar, but then...could I
      have a travelling seat as is the word from LRP? When I put in my
      harnesses, it was necessary for me to remove the seats and I was NOT
      impressed at the hardware.  The bolts are small and relatively short.
      I'm going to reinspect mine this weekend.  Fortunately, my heavy seat
      is mounted in rails which are probably a far stronger anchor than
      four/eight standard DOT bolts, but I am much more corcerned about the
      seatback.  I'm think that a bar mounted directly behind the seat
      close enough to minimize travel in the event of a breakaway seat back
      would be a good idea (ie: a rollbar with a middle bar).

      The sad part of LRP is that even if there was no system failure,
      you're in a lot of trouble at 100-110-mph when you hit something
      straight on (rear or forward) even in a purpose built race car.


quattro@acacianet.com on 05/13/98 09:10:00 AM

To:   (edit message for full list)
cc:   lawtonglenn@gsmai.com, searllaw@pop.k12.vt.us
Subject:  preventing Lime Rock-like Incidents

What is a better/safer alternative to the horizontal bar?
The Safety Devices cage (Thanks again Igor!) installed in the 84 4KQ RR car
had none and I added one to anchor the shoulder harnesses. This seemed to
be SOP based on looking at many other race cars. Now I am seriously
thinking about alternatives! I had planned to anchor the harnesses to the
rear deck, but they were no where near long enough to reach..... hence the
added horizontal bar......
-glen that wants to live to race again and again and again
>> When the car came to a stop, the seat continued moving to the back
>> striking
>> the horizontal bar of the roll cage and breaking at the point where
>> the
>> shoulder harness holes are located.  The seat continued backwards and
>> the
>> bar
>> struck Rick at the back of the neck and helmet.