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Manuel's rack...

>Anyone ever convert or change an Audi
>power steering rack over to a manual(non powered)
>steering rack?

Don't do it!  The manual rack requires five -- count 'em, FIVE! -- turns
lock-to-lock and are impossibly slow for any sort of performance driving.  I
have one from an '81 4k and tried it on my '85 4k when I was having a lot of
problems with beating the PS pump ... changed it back after the first
autocross event.

>I know the older 79-80 Audi Coupes had a manual rack.
>But there impossible to find.

So did some '80 - '81 4ks ... I believe the VW Fox rack will work as well as
some of the old VW Dasher racks.

>I'm curious to ideas of what one could do to the hydraulic
>lines on a power rack to convert it into a manual.

You can try the dirt-track trick of filling the rack with PS fluid and then
connecting the input line to the output line ... you don't get any assist or
quicker steering but you also don't have the drag of the PS pump and the PS
fluid keeps the rack seals lubricated. 

What exactly are you trying to achieve, anyway?
    _                _
   / |      _| o    | \       _| o  Jeffrey Goggin
  /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |  audidudi@mindspring.com
 /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |  http://www.mindspring.com/~audidudi/