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Re: Curses! Foiled Again! (MC vs 3B Fuel Pump)

Has anyone come up with a method of removing these pumps without using

My 1990 200 TQW with MC engine has the same 3B fuel pump mounting
using the orange/yellow plastic holder. I can verify that you can remove
the fuel pump
w/o the tool, but you NEED the tool to get it installed. Been there, got
the white arm to 
show for it. This was last January and I had my arm in fuel for 1.5 hrs
trying to get
it re-seated. I never did get it in. After some profanity , I sat the
pump assembly back in
the canister section and drove it to a local shop. Upon consulting with
the owner, he 
confirmed my problem, he too spent a few hours trying to get a 20V fuel
pump installed,
only to give up and buy the factory tool.

So a word of warning to all the 20V turbo owners, beware of fuel pump
if you try w/o the factory tool, be sure young children are not within
voice distance and
be sure to know which shop has a tool to finish the job.
Dave Lawson