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Re: mc clutches

> Can the clutches on 86 and up mc turbo cars handle added boost? Was there
> an upgrade made? If so, what year? If the car is from before that date,
> and the clutch was replaced, is the upgraded version the only one that
> could have been put on? Soory for all the grammar problems...just got out
> of a 3 hour final. tiA!

When I bought my 86 5kcstq, the P.O. made a big deal about it
having "the same clutch as a Porsche". I think he meant it
has a Sachs clutch. That re supposed to be very good.

I treat the clutch on my 5kcstq the same way I treat the
one in the Coupe. The Coupe's clutch may not be the original,
but I have not changed it in the 7 years I've owned it.

For some reason, clutches & manual trannys elicit a lot
of FUD. But I've come to prefer them. True, it's not as 
easy to dine & drive as it was in the 74 100LS with its
auto tranny, but should I really be trying to drive while
holding a hamburger in one hand and a cup of Wendy's chili
in the other hand?

Steering with the knee, of course...

Oops, the whistle just blew, time to fly home! -dq
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)            [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536              Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto, 77 100LS Auto, 84 Coupe GT, 86 5Kcstq   
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits