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More Bozos
Friends, be patient with me. I will only comment once on this....
Brett said (post-snippage...):
> My impression is that Bose makes systems in cars for the type of
> people who listen to nothing but classical/jazz at low to moderate
> volumes. To Bose's credit, the system sounded excellent when I
> popped in a CD of the New Black Eagle Jazz Band's, so I think this
> is the sort of thing that system was aimed for, not the stuff
> classic-rocker / alternative guy like me listens to :)
Also decent for 60's/70's rock oldies listeners at moderate
> BTW, I've also noticed that the Treble control on my Bose radio has
> a very un-prounounced effect...high end clarity in the Bose system
> leaves much to be desired.
YOU are a diplomat. There is essentially NO decent high end in the
Bose systems. The two things which really put me off about the
system are:
1) Bass is boomy and muddy
2) High end is esentially nonexistant.
Volumes have been written about the fact that Bose full well knows
HOW to build better speakers, but purposefully does NOT. They have a
characteristic "bose sound" and that's what they build for. They
don't even use very good materials in their speakers, because it's
not needed to achieve the sound desired.
Do a quick search for "Bose speakers" with any decent search engine
and you will find interesting comments abound....
For those who find the system appealing, more power to ya. I'm not
saying it's awful, because it's not. It just is not as good as a
$600 aftermarket system put together with a bit of care. (And
don't start with me friends; anything more than $600 per system is
out of the question for my cars. I buy Damark recon units and
speakers on sale - but I do it over time and exercise some
judgement....and for my ears, it works fine.) My problem is talking
my wife into letting me spend $150 on a new radio and the same on
speakers to replace the original Bozos. With a Sony radio (good
radio, but LCD front panel has gone nutso and I can't read it...)
driving the Bozos and the original amps bypassed, their 2-ohm
speakers are REALLY revealed for the weak performers they are.
Whine. Pout.
Al Powell
Voice: 409/845-2898 (a new number)
Fax: 409/862-1202
As of July 1, email will be: Apowell@learn.colostate.edu