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Re: Bose Adapter

>NOTE: this information is dated about mid-1996.....but at that time,
>they had a new adapter, and I tried two of them - also spent at least
>90 minutes on their 800-help line working through various fixes.  I
>was not able to eliminate some buzz and noise from the adapter which
>was audible at the speakers.  The sound might have satisfied an
>"average, casual listener"...but I know of few of those on this list.

In general, the Bose system seems not for more than the "average, casual
listener."  Bass is worse in some circumstances than my 5k's stock 10
speaker system; noise at low volumes and with the engine off is quite
noticable, as are slight "poom!" noises when turning on and off the radio
which get on my nerve.  Distortion at higher volumes is fairly noticable
with anything close to strong bass line.  Not to mention the cassette drive
makes very, very annoying motor noises occasionally.  The prev. owner
unfortunately pulled a swap on my and put the old radio back on me, when
there was a S4 unit in there(BTW, is the S4 unit a "better" one?)

High quality, but far from as excellent as they claim, and one would expect
better from a company that spends so much time on research.  Typical
Bose....my set of Cambridge Soundworks speakers cost 1/2 as much as a Wave,
and sound the same if not much better(though they are sat/sub's as opposed
to boom-box-type unit.)  If Bose spent less time researching sound and more
time working on construction...you don't have to have 1000 PhD's to make a
good set of speakers; Huw Powell, Henry Kloss, and others have proven that

(BTW, Huw, what's with the lack of a custom system for the Audi owner, eh? :)

My impression is that Bose makes systems in cars for the type of people who
listen to nothing but classical/jazz at low to moderate volumes.  To Bose's
credit, the system sounded excellent when I popped in a CD of the New Black
Eagle Jazz Band's, so I think this is the sort of thing that system was
aimed for, not the stuff classic-rocker / alternative guy like me listens
to :)

BTW, I've also noticed that the Treble control on my Bose radio has a very
un-prounounced effect...high end clarity in the Bose system leaves much to
be desired.

91 200q 20v
PS:Though I haven't heard much about these, CSW now sells speakers for
automotive use.

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.