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PCA NHIS event q-sighting(s)
According to my father(whom I just picked up from the mechanic because his
car died ON the track) said he saw several cars that "looked just like
yours." After questioning him about flared fenders, badges, etc. I learned
2 things:
-My father couldn't tell the difference between a V8, 200, 91 200, and 5000
if his life depended upon it
-it had "those wheels"(91 stock BBS)
No other details.
He said there was also what he thought to be a Q-Coupe there at the event,
but "he was getting his @ss kicked." I extracted this off of what is the
probably, if not likely incorrect assumption that UrQ's have flared fenders
and Coupes don't?(Could someone like Phil send me an ID'ing guide for UrQs
vs. Coupes? Thx!)
Any of these people listers? I'm going to start showing up at events since
I'm now, thanks to a PCA membership drive, a member(if a region gets more
new members than all the others, for each member they get a $100 gift check
or something.) I couldn't go before because only PCA members could drive
non-Porsches, but now my 200q is fair game <eh heh heh>
On a side note, looks like my old 5k may not be for sale anymore. Judging
by the fact that Pop now uses it to keep his 2 boards and sails on(EWV,
Emergency Windsurfing Vehicle["yhea, it's pretty nice. Doesn't tack very
well, but hey."]) and takes it whenever there's a track day and he doesn't
want to switch tires immediately...I'd say it's become a keeper. Of
course, if someone wants it, it may come down to a family vote, which he'd
loose big time. I think if someone offered more than $2k he would go for
it; after all, either it goes or his Calloway 944(which, if someone offered
to buy, he'd also loose the vote on big time, HINT HINT!) :)
Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.