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RE: 7.1 vs 7.11- The myth and the Legends of Porsche v. Audi

This is from the Bentley manual page # 48.5:
Hydraulic fluid part # G 002 000 can be mixed with hydraulic fluid
previously used, this include Part # AOE041 020 10

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of QSHIPQ@aol.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 1998 1:45 PM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: RE: 7.1 vs 7.11- The myth and the Legends of Porsche v. Audi
> >So ...
> >Should I continue using the green stuff in the 91? >>>  YES
> >Is it a problem if the two are mixed?>>>  YES, they operate
> under different
> pressures
> >Does the red stuff have a different Audi P/N?>>> NO, it doesn't
> have one at
> all
> 7.1 (mineral oil) and 7.11 (synthetic mineral oil) are two
> different animals
> and are NOT to be interchanged.  The top of your Hydraulic fluid resevoir
> should give you the proper fluid guidelines for your car.  Audi
> PN G002 000
> should be 7.1 mineral oil.  My understanding is that there is NO 7.11
> synthethic AUDI application thru 1999MY, and further, audi has NO part
> assigned to 7.11.  My understanding is that  7.11 is actually a synthetic
> version of 7.1 that is used in most PORSCHE applications, and has a
> proprietary porsche part number, and is red in color.
> I have heard this comment for a couple of years regarding the 91
> forward cars.
> To date, I have no reference of any audi car using them, and I've done
> steering racks in several 91> cars, all calling for G002000 (7.1)
> mineral oil
> on the top of the HFR.  I also cross checked this with the local
> Porsche/Audi
> dealer here in Highland Park, IL.  They too, have no audi
> applications listed
> for 7.11.
> Best advice is to read the manual and/or the top of the HFR.  The
> parts guys
> really don't always have the answers.  I think the biggest
> problem is Pentosin
> 7.1 and 7.11 come in the same color can.
> Scott Justusson