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Free ink jet cartridge--no Audi content
It'll go w/o saying, of course, that responses to this should be off-list!
I'm giving away an NCR-brand clone of a Canon BC-02 cartridge for the Canon
BJ-200 Bubblejet printer. I recently bought a bunch of good paper and
envelopes (for resumes and cover letters) of a different brand than I'd been
using, and this cartridge just doesn't give good results with this paper. I
switched to a NuKote cartridge and all was well. If your hard copies don't
need to look as good as mine do, the NCR cartridge may do it for you.
Judging by the length of time I've had it, it should have a fair amount of
ink left.
First person to send a U.S. or Canadian snail-mail address (I draw the line
@ sending it overseas!) gets it.