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Re: quick help? something broke.
Huw Powell <human@nh.ultranet.com> wrote:
> Mine just plain snapped. I guess, since i don;t have it any more... It
> was a toothed style gates, always squealed coming up from low rpms. So
> does the new gates, which my neighbor kindly opened up shop at 8 pm to
> sell me (thanks John!). So I;m thinking of buying and installing a
> "smooth" type belt to see if it gets rid of the darn squeal.
My belt I had the problems with was smooth, last nights new belt is
toothed. So far (this morning) no squeal. (my other problems were
mainly caused by my not tightening the tensioning bracket)
> And that air guide certainly makes life miserable when trying to tension
> that belt. Why couldn't they use a toothed nut and arm like on, say the
> 87 5ks? When will I build one? How will I get a stainless steel toothed
> nut???
Yes it does. Stainless! <hehe>