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Subject: Help on a Sunday!

Oscar wrote:
Hi fellow Qlisters,

Well, I managed to successfully replace the BomB and a couple of hoses on my
91 200TQ without major hassles. I was starting to feel pretty good as this was
my first attempt at doing some of my own repairs.


While connecting one of the hoses to the power steering hydraulic reservoir,
I broke a connection on what appears to be a plastic filter of some kind. 
It sits just below and slightly to the left of the reservoir. One side is
yellow and the other is black. There are 3 connections:
    a) one black tube goes the the back of the intake manifold
    b) one opaque tube (looks pink now, may have been white originally) goes
to the firewall on the driver's side
    c) one black tube goes to the top center of the firewall

I managed to read the part number on it: 893-820-675B.

I've looked through the Bentleys and can't seem to find anything that
resembles it. Any ideas as to what this is? Is it safe to drive the car with
it broken?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oscar "The Hamfisted" Murphy


Oscar:  check out the photo on Scott Mockry's web site.  It's linked from my
repair index page off my '91 200q site: 
then repair index]
I think the direct link is http://www.teleport.com/~scottmo/ecu20v.html

The first photo shows what you've broken, I think.  Sorry, don't have my
Bentley or any other documentation here at work... Anyone else know?
This looks to me like a vacuum operated valve.  Could be the one leading to
the carbon canister, allowing vapor recovery from the fuel tank.  I'd tape it
back together, and replace it pretty soon.  Electrical tape would work pretty
well.  Could be a major vacuum leak, so I'd take it easy on the full throttle
runs prior to repair.  The ECU should compensate for most of the leak, though.

Second response:
     It's been many, many, moons since I removed the
     upshift indicator switch from the '84 5KS, but
     that kind of sounds like what it looked like.
     If it IS indeed the upshift indicator switch,
     just bypass it, most useless annoying piece
     o'crap ever to find it's way onto a dashboard.
___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30
Yes, sounds similar, but there's no upshift light on the '91 200q.
HTH, Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q