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Re: 2.8V6 Timing belt

God it sucks to see your baby being hauled away on the
ass-end of a tow truck!

Hopefully fixed the ISV last night. Driving to work this
morning I hear this God-awful squealing noise. Pull over
to check it out, smell burning rubber and notice antifreeze
coming out of puke-tank. VERY quickly shut off motor,
check temp gage, that's high, but OK.  Thank God for used
car warranties. The water pump froze up, thankfully it didn't
break the timing belt.

So, my timing belt will be changed courtesy of my used car
warranty. All I'll have to pay is $25 of the tow and a thermostat.
I also told them to replace the timing belt idler pulleys, might
have to pay for those, but I figure do it right now and pay a little,
or pay a lot later.

If any V6 drivers out there hear a chirp-chirp-chirp when you
first start your car, and then it goes away after a couple minutes,
DON'T wait, your water pump is on it's last legs.

Jim_Bresee@idx.com wrote:

> To:   tyoung
> Just did this on my 93 90s.  Although they say it should be changed at 90k,
> my water pump siezed and caused the timing belt to slip at about 80k miles.
> My understanding is that the serpantine belt, water pump, and idler pullies
> should all be changed at the same time.
> If you have a shop do it, you should plan for about $650.  Mine was about
> $700 with the towing.....
> Good luck.
> Jim

Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/