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Re: Flat-Towing a VW Fox behind my '89 200q...

audidudi@mindspring.com (Jeffrey J. Goggin) wrote:

>Yesterday, I ended up flat-towing my girlfriend's dead '89 VW Fox home


>Anyway, the reason I bring all this up is that I'm still trying to figure
>out how the scrotum-poles who stole the wheels managed to get their jack out
>from underneath the car.  It was parked on a semi-dirt lot and there were no
>obvious signs that anything untoward had happened ... is there some sort of
>trick to this or what?  I know it was definitely a major PITA for me to get
>a jack underneath (ended up digging a hole on each side and then propped the
>car up on a pair of jack stands so I could move the jack around to get a
>second bite at it).  Maybe I just need to think like a thief but I must
>admit that this one has me stumped...

How about using _no_ jack? AFAIK, that's what they usually do- they don't
care about the damage to the car... loosen the bolts, lift the car on that
side and kick the wheel away, then on to the next corner...

Anyway, sorry to hear about the theft. Always makes me really mad when
something like that happens.
