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Re: Dealer Horror Story - Need advice.

Jeez, that is no way to start off with a new (to you) car!  I wish you luck.  

It sounds to me like the dealer you purchased the car from just brokered the
car from the other dealer.  Why else would they send it so far away to be
fixed?  It would also explain why the 2nd. dealer didn't want to spend any
money on repairing it, they probably didn't get much for it to begin with.

My guess is that you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting the mileage
extended on your warranty.  To the dealer, a few hundred miles isn't too much
to wager against the chance that something will break during that period of

Can you rescind your contract with them based on the fact that they haven't
performed?  If I remember from school, there are several portions that make up
a contract: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Performance.

Good luck, I'd be interested in seeing a follow up report here on the Q-list.

Scott Spangenberg