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Re: HELP! '87 (not '86) 5ks blower stuff


Thanks for responding.  When you say "it should be replaced", do you mean 
the "thing", or the motor?  I just wanted to clarify that, because it 
almost reads like you mean the blower motor itself (which is new and 
works).  (The guy bypasses this thing, and the blower blows.)

"Jose A. Ceroni" <ceroni@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:
> Ken, the function of that thing is to let pass current accroding to the
> temperature of the air. The hotter the air gets, more current passes and
> the blower motor revs up. An easy way to test it is to take it out of the
> ground loop (grounding the corresponding connection on top of it). If
> after grounding the connection, the blower motor still does not turn, it
> should be replaced. HTH,
> > From: "Ken Keith" <auditude@impulsedata.net>
> > 
> > As I type this, a coworker or mine has his dash apart, and is trying to 
> > replace his blower motor.  He's got a question regarding the "a/c blower 
> > control unit".  It has 4 wires coming from it (apparently: power, ground, 
> > motor, control module).
> > The new motor works when he applies voltage directly across it, and the 
> > control head (that GM part) was supposedly tested by a mechanic and works.
> > This a/c blower control unit has heat sinks, BTW.
> > Basically, he wants to know what the function of this thing is, so he can 
> > figure out why it's not working.  (The blower doesn't blow when he tests it)