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Re: no hands clapping; head in hands?

Funny, I remember being berated a few months back by some guy from NZ for
intentionally initiating oversteer in a turn with the e-brake. Something about
'highly unsafe and immature behavior'. The guy made a whole rant about it. 

And now we witness this man's pride in turning his car with no hands on the
wheel?! Look ma, no hands! For God's sake! Get a grip! Literally. And as
usual, the magical Torsen device gets all his praise. Thanks Jeff, for the the
enlightening mechanical explanation. 

Too funny. Absolutely ROTFL.

It might be defensible if he were using his hands to screw his head back on.
Priorities, you know. (I really can't believe they wouldn't throw you out for
that, they would over here. You must always have your head screwed on and
tightly secured to your helmet). But we also don't get the really powerful
toys like he does. Mebbe there's something to be said for such lax rules...



audidudi@mindspring.com wrote:

>FYI, the design of the front suspension on the 4k/4kq/Ur-Q and probably
>everything else that uses the same basic design Audi introduced in 1973 (!)
>will go over-center when it approaches full lock and will NOT straighten out
>under power.  You must steer it out of the turn manually and cannot rely
>upon it to self-center as you can with other cars.
>As such, I'm not sure that Dave's "look Ma, no hands" trick signifies much
>at all other than he did something really stupid that would get him thrown
>out of any autocross I've attended here in the U.S of A.  He would have
>achieved exactly the same results if he'd been driving a non-Torsen Ur-Q or
>a 4kq or a 4k or even a Fox.