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Re: Heated Leather Seats


> I don't think U.S. 4K front drive models ever came with heated seats
> either.

The wife's '86 4ks (102 Hp 10:1 1.8) had heated seats. These were the
regular seats, in cloth, and not the "sports" like the 4kqs came with.
This car was born in Connecticut.

> Keep in mind that adding heated seats to a car increases the current
> draw, and the stock wiring to the fuse/relay panel and the panel itself
> in your 4K probably can't handle the additional load and would burn up
> over time.  If you want to do this right you should run the power directly
> to the battery (properly fused at the battery, of course).

The fuse panel was the same as my 4kq's, and it also had a 90 A

'87 4kq, seats heated by passengers' sphincter clenching
'89 200q, four heated, but broken, seats
'86 4ks (former), heated, but passenger's butt got hotter