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RE: accessing heater core for 4kq

... another BTDT on the '85 4kSQ for me ...

This thing is a TOTAL PITA!  I thought that doing the heater core on the 5k
was a pain ... this beats it in spades!  I ended up having to remove the
glovebox and console and then pulling the airbox (comes out into the
passenger compartment after removing the ductwork and the blower motor under
the hood.  There's a little snap on cover on the passenger's side of the
airbox that holds the heater core in place.  

On reassembly I found that I had to connect the heater hoses to the heater
core from under the hood, through the hole that the blower fits in with the
air box inserted almost all the way.  

I guess the good news was that the A/C evaporator can pretty much stay in
place ... too bad I found this out after going through the hassle of trying
to find out how to remove the drip tray ... :(

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> ----------
> I'm in the middle of working on the cooling system (hoses, thermostat,
> etc.)
> and am trying to get at the heater hoses.  I figured I'll check the heater
> core while I'm at it because I think its starting to go bad.
> But the AC evaporator is in the way!  I've gotten all the mounting points,
> and it's just hanging from the hoses coming in thru the firewall.  Now
> what???  I can't move it out of the way.  Is there a way to disconnect it
> without discharging the system?  I understand AC in principle, but not in
> functionality.
> TIA,
> Aaron