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To change or not to change....
<<Is it possible to tell if the belt going bad (fraying of the edges,
britleness?)so I can avoid a larger project that I want to start right
now? I know and understand the importance of this belt but the thing
looks brand new.
Yeah, I know. Had to make that decision myself recently. Bought a used
engine, t-belt looked good, so what to do?
Here's the decision-making process I used --
1) I was already in there. (So maybe I should change it.)
2) But it's a PITA to change. (So, maybe not.)
3) It's a $30 belt ($10-15 for older I-5s). (So, maybe I should.)
4) While I did not have any idea when (if) the belt had been changed, it
certainly looked new to me, and I've seen a few. (Again, maybe not.)
5) The cost for a rebuilt head, if the belt snapped, runs from $500-$1100.
----->>>> Decision made, I changed the sucker! <<<<------