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In message <35C16C92.69BC2FC9@nh.ultranet.com> Huw Powell writes:

> An Audi A8 was involved in an accident with a parrot today on the M1
> motorway.  The parrot is reported to be in fine fettle, however the A8
> has a nasty great guano stain on the bonnet.

I once had a swan land on my car.  I was sitting in traffic on a bridge
over the river Main in Frankfurt when a swan cruising downriver hit
the tramcar wires that run over the bridge and crash-landed.

The car was _covered_ in guano and quite badly damaged by the impact.
The swan was pissed off, and wandered off towards Offenbach muttering
to itself.

The insurance company didn't turn a hair.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)