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Subject: Wheelbarrow Junkyard Method

>From: Wolff <wolff_b@ix.netcom.com>
>Subject: Wheelbarrow Junkyard Method
>I went to the junkyard this morning for more parts for the "new" coupe.
>Here is what I got:

_Long_ list of _expensive_ parts follows . . . snipped

> He suggested
>>$50 possibly thinking I would try to talk him down as I have done on
>>everything else I got yesterday, but I just paid him. I think I did ok.

Congratulations! You are now a graduate of the Mike Arman College of
Advanced Junkyard Scrounging. Further, you get extra points for the following:

> I bought 3 bottles of spring water and gave one each to the two
>guys running the yard. It's been hot around here lately. I drank the
>other one myself while pulling parts.

Many years ago I had a job involving picking up race cars from the docks in
New York City. The longshoreman's union there is VERY strong (and makes the
Teamsters Union look like choir boys), and they are more than a little
averse to working.

Picking up a car normally could take a full work day for me - the
longshoremen worked from 10 AM to 11:30 AM, lunch to 2 PM, finish at 4 PM,
and all this for $30,000 a year - and this was 1965!

What I started doing was buying two cold sixpacks of beer before I got to
the dock. Then, I'd say "Where can I find such and such car? Have a beer!",
and repeat as needed. Worked like a charm - Once I left the shop at 9 AM
and was back before noon, same day - boss was furious "You're supposed to
be picking up a Brabham - Why aren't you at the F&%#$%$ing dock???"  Answer
- "The car is here - it's outside on the trailer." This was the only time I
have ever seen this man totally speechless!

Keep up the good work - this is how we can afford to keep these finicky
cars running and still eat regularly. I know if I was paying Audi list
prices for parts and service, I would simply refuse to own this car - I'd
be working to support it, and I won't do that - I insist on having a life,

Best Regards,

Mike Arman