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Re: Audi/Porsche, SUVs, (and Actual Audi Content)

At 10:20 PM on 8/7/98, Wolff wrote:

> Imagine this: A large truck or SUV based on a truck chasis rear ends
> your nice quattro at say 7-10 mph. Back end of quattro mashed, car
> totaled. Occupants of both vehicles wearing belts and are OK. SUV/truck
> not very damaged because the crush zones of the q absorbed the impact,
> while the rigid frame design of the truck absorbed none. The SUV owner
> will be absolutely 100% convinced they purchased a strong and safe
> vehicle since it has minimal damage, while the former q owner will know
> that the q gave it's life to protect everyone involved including the
> dreaded tailgaiting SUV driving SOB.
> Wolff

That situation actually happened to me, but unstead of a quattro it was my
BMW 325iX (AWD).  I was on an Interstate recently when the traffic flow
suddenly stopped moving.  My lightly loaded car stopped easly.  However the
fully loaded Surburban following behind couldn't stop before rear ending
me.  Nobody injured.  Surburban - little to no damage.  My 325iX -
totalled.  So there's now at least one Surburban driver who now understands
that it takes a fully loaded SUV a considerably longer to stop than the
your average car.  I'm sure that her new insurance permium will keep her
reminded of it.

Safety is far more a function of the driver than the design of the vehicle,

Chas. Baumerich
98A4tq (uncrazed headlights - so far)